Sunday, November 9, 2014

While on a run one day. . .

     Metlakatla is a great place to go for a run.  Within minutes out my front door, I am running on a road beside the ocean, on my way to a trail that winds through dense old-growth trees as it hugs the coast. By the time I get to the trail, I am warmed up and into the running groove, pleased with myself that I made the effort to get there.
     I say "make the effort"  because after three months, I've realized that Metlakatla is also a terrible place to run.  Wind, rain, and the ever shorter days have dealt a serious blow to my motivation.   Plus the last thing I want to do after work is exercise.
     Last Saturday was a clear, slightly chilly day, perfect to hit the trail.  Except that I really, really didn't want to go.  Uh oh, this is getting bad, I thought.  I made it out the door with a little urging from Luis.
      I considered my motivation problem as I ran through the forest.  The next local race  --a half marathon in Ketchikan--  isn't until May, too far in the future to get me serious about running right now.   Looking at my watch, I decided to push myself a little harder so the second half of the run would be faster than the first.
     Coming out of the trees, I saw an older man standing next to the road peering at the ocean.  He said something as I ran by.  "Excuse me?"  I stopped running.
      "Whales".  He pointed.
"Whales?"  Whoa! I thought.  Is this the moment I've been waiting for these last three months?  The man had a tiny pair of binoculars --what luck!--  and we spent the next 15 minutes pointing out whale tails and spray from blow holes.  There appeared to be two whales, a mother and her baby, probably Humpbacks, he said.  Earlier in the day,  he had seen a whole pod of whales, spectacular as they breached.
      I eventually continued my run, but stopped again to talk with friends who were strolling by.  I happily told them all about my whale spotting.

I don't have the answer to my dwindling motivation to run.  I don't think seeing whales has solved the problem.  But the moment was sweet, and long awaited.  I'm a whale spotter!  And I have running to thank for it.  (plus an old man and a pair of 'noc).

My favorite run.

My favorite run.
I was running on this road when I stopped to whale watch.  On the right side is the cemetery.  Graveyard with a view. 

Dock full of fish nets.  This was the dock we jumped off this summer with the local kids.

The red-roofed building is Leask Market, the only place in town to get groceries. It's open from 10 to 6 during the week, and 11 to 5 on weekends.

Teen Center.  

Richard Johnson Elementary School.

The students cut out their handprints, wrote a message on them, and pasted them here.  Very cool visual for Red Ribbon Week.

The entrance of our new, colorful school.

Lots of room!  I love my office!

Lucas and friend on their bikes.  There are boats parked on the streets EVERYWHERE!

Main Street

Parking lot, Metlakatla style.

Fishing is serious business around here.

Something to do.

Picture taken after a hard rain.

Oldest church in town.

Dude, you have a totem pole coming out of your head.
Maite explores at low tide.
Metlakatla specializes in spectacular rainbows.
The Long House.  Traditional Tsimshian dance groups practice regularly here.  We attended an event here last month.
We scored some halibut!  
It's official.

 Good spot to rest.