Metlakatla is a great place to go for a run. Within minutes out my front door, I am running on a road beside the ocean, on my way to a trail that winds through dense old-growth trees as it hugs the coast. By the time I get to the trail, I am warmed up and into the running groove, pleased with myself that I made the effort to get there.
I say "make the effort" because after three months, I've realized that Metlakatla is also a terrible place to run. Wind, rain, and the ever shorter days have dealt a serious blow to my motivation. Plus the last thing I want to do after work is exercise.
Last Saturday was a clear, slightly chilly day, perfect to hit the trail. Except that I really, really didn't want to go. Uh oh, this is getting bad, I thought. I made it out the door with a little urging from Luis.
I considered my motivation problem as I ran through the forest. The next local race --a half marathon in Ketchikan-- isn't until May, too far in the future to get me serious about running right now. Looking at my watch, I decided to push myself a little harder so the second half of the run would be faster than the first.
Coming out of the trees, I saw an older man standing next to the road peering at the ocean. He said something as I ran by. "Excuse me?" I stopped running.
"Whales". He pointed.
"Whales?" Whoa! I thought. Is this the moment I've been waiting for these last three months? The man had a tiny pair of binoculars --what luck!-- and we spent the next 15 minutes pointing out whale tails and spray from blow holes. There appeared to be two whales, a mother and her baby, probably Humpbacks, he said. Earlier in the day, he had seen a whole pod of whales, spectacular as they breached.
I eventually continued my run, but stopped again to talk with friends who were strolling by. I happily told them all about my whale spotting.
I don't have the answer to my dwindling motivation to run. I don't think seeing whales has solved the problem. But the moment was sweet, and long awaited. I'm a whale spotter! And I have running to thank for it. (plus an old man and a pair of 'noc).
My favorite run. |
My favorite run. |
I was running on this road when I stopped to whale watch. On the right side is the cemetery. Graveyard with a view. |
Dock full of fish nets. This was the dock we jumped off this summer with the local kids. |
The red-roofed building is Leask Market, the only place in town to get groceries. It's open from 10 to 6 during the week, and 11 to 5 on weekends. |
Teen Center. |
Richard Johnson Elementary School. |
The students cut out their handprints, wrote a message on them, and pasted them here. Very cool visual for Red Ribbon Week. |
The entrance of our new, colorful school. |
Lots of room! I love my office! |
Lucas and friend on their bikes. There are boats parked on the streets EVERYWHERE! |
Main Street |
Parking lot, Metlakatla style. |
Fishing is serious business around here. |
Something to do. |
Picture taken after a hard rain. |
Oldest church in town. |
Dude, you have a totem pole coming out of your head. |
Maite explores at low tide. |
Metlakatla specializes in spectacular rainbows. |
The Long House. Traditional Tsimshian dance groups practice regularly here. We attended an event here last month. |
We scored some halibut! |
It's official.
Good spot to rest.